Welcome to Resolving the Debate

Welcome to Resolving the Debate

This blog seeks to resolve some of the most damaging disputes that plague our civilization.  How? – by appealing to first principals.

The reason for the creation of this site is to illuminate basic but grand concepts about the human situation, the nature of reality, logic, Meaning, goodness, and beauty and apply them to the crucial debates of our time.  Admittedly this is a difficult task, and it has been somewhat neglected in our modern political/social climate, but it is deeply necessary. Why?  Because finding the foundations of a common worldview for humanity is simply the most peaceful and functional way to actually resolve destructive intractable debates.  We can use these deeper common principles to direct us at the more superficial level on which most of our disputes normally take place.  Check it out!

You may want to view the  new introductory videos I’ve put on the Great Issues Rose Mandala and Reverence tabs above. ↑






Hopefully you will also find it exciting to see that many of the deep debate resolving ideas on this blog are fairly unique.  You may even find this blog a little uncomfortable because the positions it takes will be different then those taken by current crucially important interest groups/blocks; for instance the standard secular versus religious and socialist leaning versus capitalist dichotomies are largely erased and replaced with larger world view dichotomies.

And some of the ideas here may have the power to change your life:


Concerning Socialism versus Capitalism > Imagine humanity having the intellectual tools to really move beyond the core political debate. . . .   Please spend a little time and check out the provided PowerPoint’s, concepts, and charts.  See how the roots of the two opposed political and economic ideologies are tied together from a ‘Natural Law’ perspective via the lens of modern science.   Here 

Concerning Religion ‘versus’ Science > The key to resolving many human debates  is awareness of the importance of cultivating an enlightened reverence for the deep reality that we can all agree we share.  more

Concerning Epistemology and Logic > What would it mean if the common  reality  that we all share really is ultimately just finite and relative? -As opposed to infinite, or absolute.  What if the success of the scientific method suggests a finite and relative metaphysics that should have already led philosophers and scientist to anticipate something like the microcosmic world of quantum physics?  What if the micro world of quantum physics defines a common sense boundary of  this finite reality rather then the mystery laden puzzle within an infinite and absolute reality as quantum physics is typically portrayed?  And what if understanding that idea, really understanding it, and it’s corollaries, leads to an awareness that this reality is profoundly knowable, and that most of the paradoxes that have plagued modern philosophy are unreal.  What if there is a logical path, now open, to a unifying philosophical worldview that, not coincidentally, is also no more prone to dogmatism than the world view that has been created by the modern scientific method?  more

Concerning Metaphysics > Consider the debate resolving unity that could occur if humanity finds a common core definition of ‘god,’ that virtually everyone would, of their own will, want to revere.  Consider how this idea would be a challenge to religious ‘fundamentalists’ as much as atheists, and consider what precisely that implies about the human existential situation.. more  And, examine a new perspective on the existential and social necessity of using a commonly agreed upon definition of god as a starting point for objectively defining reality. more

Concerning a central diagram for philosophy and for understanding the Meaning of Life >

“Dear humanity, please study the Rose Mandala for it is the map and the compass.” – //Tlili

Premise #1: The Rose Mandala is the most workable, and therefore best, ethical compass for humanity to create a gracefully sustainable civilization.  In other words, the Rose Mandala is the key to creating a gracefully sustainable civilization.

The Rose Mandala is a diagram that will show you the fundamentals of how we lost our way and the path we may take to move forward.  On some levels it is profoundly simple, on others profoundly complex.  It contains the latest modern understanding of reality, and it is primordially ancient.

The Rose Mandala ties ‘it’ all together: the subjective and the objective, the sciences rationally ordered  and freewheeling spirituality, God and the self, the spiritual paths we take and how the meaning of life is also the objective definition of life.  It sums up proper logic, metaphysics, epistemology, easthetics, and ethics.  Please study it, but if you must only learn one thing from it please observe that living in harmonig with the definiton of  life comes BEFORE the pursut of happiness for not understanding that is the core reason humanity has lost its way. more

Concerning who is most responsible for the crises that our civilization is experiencing. > The Philosophers.  more

Concerning the degree to which humans are in agreement about ’The Meaning of Life,’ and why > more

Concerning the importance of, and how to stimulate, Free thinking and civil discourse,

Concerning the roots of, and importance of,  Reasonable environmentalism.


It’s 2012, and the time to make the world better is NOW!

Most of us agree that our civilization could really use some major positive changes.  But beyond that very general and vague consensus we fall into disagreement over a specific course forward. What to do?  Is it cynicism or realism to deride a new attempt to create significantly more consensus?

Throughout the history of civilization many people have felt that perhaps humanity could move forward with less conflict and more progress if most of us could agree on first, or unifying, principles.  The questions that most think are crucial are old questions:

How do we, and can we, really know what reality is?  Is there a single theory, a ‘unified field’ theory, of everything?  Are there really just four noble truths as the Buddha said? Does God exist, and is there just one god?  Is ‘God’ the Judeo-Christian God?  Or is God the God of Islam?  Or is our conception of God simply too parochial, or is there even a God at all?  Are Christians correct when they speak of the importance of Jesus as the ‘savior?’ Is there one or a basic type of substance from which we are all made?   What is the Meaning of Life and can we agree on it?

Many would say that the very definition of philosophy is that it is the human endevor that seeks to find unifying principals: those essential concepts that make the most coherent world view.   Others advocate for finding unity via religion.  And of course still others seek to make peace with diversity.  And most concede that, unlike science, philosophy has not really ‘progressed’ as such; they say that the philosophy of someone like the modern acclaimed philosopher, Foucault, isn’t necessarily a progression over an ancient’s like Aristotle’s.  The worldview philosophy that can achieved by contemplating the Rose Mandala has the advantage that it is not based on absolute deductive arguments that can be disproved, but rather the Mandala is a tool that individuals can use to integrate their versions of an ever expanding consciously induced worldview with one another. more

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